“She knows who she is because she knows who she isn’t”- Nikki Giovanni One of the best things that has happened for me was finding my own voice. One of the most powerful things that has happened has been my discovery of self and falling in love with myself. One thing about spending time with myself post divorce and reflecting on relationship choices I have made is learning what I will and won’t do, what I will and won’t compromise on and the importance of not allowing my voice to be stifled, my uniqueness to be made an issue or my beliefs to be cow tailed because we may think differently. I find it difficult to not see red flags a lot sooner and fall back even before something starts. Falling back allows me time to process on my own and be in accord with what I can stand by for myself. At one time I thought I was just jaded. Now I see it as wisdom. The compromise of my peace of mind is not something I am willing to be swayed on. I am aggressive about protecting myself. I st
Showing posts from May, 2019