
Showing posts from March, 2019
Talks With Myself  As I get older and have been trying to focus more on why some things in my life are how they are or were. I started to realize I had to have critical conversations with myself. Knowing now that the opinion of me that matters the most to me is what I think about myself.  I used to allow what others thought about me or what others thought I should do or how I should be, matter more then my own beliefs. Now I see the beauty in talks with myself. I used to run to a friend for advice even when I knew how to handle a situation myself or what I wanted to do (even if it was wrong), I still had a voice. I still am responsible for my choices and actions. Somehow talking to people was validation I needed to know how to feel about a situation and at times how I felt about myself.  I’ve made plenty a poor choice by caring more about others than I did myself. I valued others opinion more at times than relying on the lesson I needed to learn or the outcome that would b
I PRAY FOR MY DAUGHTERS  Being a Mother of three early adult Women, I have tried to show them what strength looks like. Raising them primarily since my divorce however has been an ordeal at times. Now at 46 I lay in bed often brought to tears out of fear for their lives. Being a survivor of sexual trauma and knowing the affects it has had on me and relationships causes me grave concern for them.  Knowing their stories are aligned with mine and their own past trauma keeps me in prayer that they are spared from many years of poor choices of trying to see value in themselves when trauma is altering their perception of what their value is.  Knowing how much trauma causes havoc on a persons self-esteem and sense of worth. Knowing how many years I struggled to see my own value past my trauma worries me that my daughters will be in search of their own value for too long.   Fearing that no matter how much I’ve tried to pour into them how valuable they are, my words aren’t enough t