
Showing posts from September, 2020
Work to be Done   “I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change…I’m changing the things I cannot accept”  -Angela Davis   If I have learned one thing during this shut down, it is that I appreciate the moments of clarity God gives me. I am in tune with what is required for me to maintain my peace and be able to get things accomplished. This journey we are on has a time frame. It is not my desire to share my energy surrounded by unnecessary distractions. Some things will have to be different.   In order for me to thrive, I need people in my circle who wish well and not harm. A nurturing environment is what we all need to be able to maintain our sanity with all that is going on. It is not difficult to simply be kind or to be considerate. Some things need to be put to the side so that we stay focused on what we are to do.  There is too much work to be done. At times, it can be hard to stay encouraged while effectively working to change your surroundings for the better.   During these