The Emotional Ride

Sometimes I just feel beat down. Between the issues that come with work, my daughters and every day life, I am exhausted!  Navigating through this journey has had its many obstacles. Spending time in solitude teaches you a lot. Perspective comes and I feel a wave of energy to keep pushing forward. Then emotions come and have the tendency to set me back some steps. 

Everyday trying to start off positive and ready to face another day, and with some days finding it hard to always stay in that mindset. 

Some days, emotionally, I want to scream. Some days I can’t stop crying.  Most days I channel my Queen self and shoulder up for the battle. Yet even then it’s still a struggle. 

Trying to make sense out of madness and still believing that even the madness is trying to be a new teacher. It’s a roller coaster with no end in sight on the ride. Emotionally taking each day as it comes, allowing whatever I feel to not be stifled; but allowed to have its space for it to teach me and for me to grow. 

Every night some introspection and every morning a new day on the ride. 


  1. Nice thoughts and way to put the everyday struggle into words
    By the way I’m the one who asked to checkout your work on that other site


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